We know time (especially a restaurant owner's time) is hard to come by and short lived. That's why we offer a solution to allow you to track everything all in one dashboard. There are three options you can go for and each of them provide their own functions.
Here are three ways you can measure your marketing success with Ordereze:
- Ordereze Website
All of our websites come with a handy Google Analytic's section. This section can be found automatically on your dashboard and you can search different date ranges to obtain specific information. In this section you are able to tell how well your website is doing! Below is an image and how to read your statistics.
- Visitors - This allows you to see how many visitors you have had within the given time frame.
- Unique Visitors - A 'unique' visitor is your way to see how many of the total visits were made by a single customer. You can have a total of 15 visits but only 5 unique visitors. This would mean 5 people hit your website a total of 15 times.
- Page Views - This is how many pages have been viewed within a given time frame.
- Pages Per Visit - You can track on average how many pages people are viewing within a visit.
- Average Duration - The average duration is a key metric as you can then tell how engaged a customer is by how long they generally spend on your page.
- Bounce Rate - This rate is determined by how many visits come to your website that are single-page only. This means that the customer came to your site and then 'bounced' back to the previous page they were on.
Average Bounce Rates:0-25% - Very unlikely, or something is broken
High bounce rate can mean either 1 of 2 things.
25-40% - Excellent
40-65% - Average
65-85% - Higher than average
85-100% - Something is broken - Your being found in results not relevant to the customer.
- People are not finding what they are looking for.
- Ordereze Reputation Monitoring
Ordereze's Reputation Monitoring module is an upgrade from our regular websites. This allows us the ability to scour the web to let you see the good, bad, and ugly. When logging on to the Ordereze Dashboard you will be able to go to your Reputation Monitoring Dashboard, which will look like below.- Reviews - There are two different sections in which this information pulls. The first is the top left corner in a pie graph. This gives you a high level overview of what the feedback is of your establishment. Then in the middle is a list of reviews that you can sort by sentiment and date. This will help you track what is being said about you on multiple platforms in one place.
- Competition - This portion allows you to track three of your top competitors and how you rank against them in your most important keywords (ex: Fine Dining, Take Out, Rooftop, etc.). This will allow you to see what aspects of your business you need to push and which aspects you are doing well in.
- Facebook Audience -This portion allows you to track your following without going to multiple platforms to do so.
- Twitter Audience -This portion allows you to track your following without going to multiple platforms to do so.
- Foursquare Audience -This portion allows you to track your following without going to multiple platforms to do so.
- Ordereze Social Media ManagementOrdereze's Social Media Management module allows you to do everything within the Reputation Monitoring, plus keep your social media active. Part of Google's algorithm is to keep yourself current and full of new content on all sources. We will do that for you! With our social media module you get our concierge service where we post on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter on your behalf. This is to keep your brand relevant and up to date. We also respond to any negative reviews for you. We have a team here generating custom responses and responding on your behalf. Don't feel comfortable with that? We will generate a response and send it to you for your approval. Once you approve we will post it on your behalf. This will allow you more time in the kitchen (or whatever job function you might have to fill that day) and the peace of mind of know your online reputation is safe and secure.
Want to know more on how we can help you with marketing your brand and keeping your brand relevant? Call us at 631-271-3470 x5 and we can set up a free demo today!