Memorial Day for most people is a traditional time for
barbecues, family get-togethers, and for most Americans a day off from work! However, we do not want to forget the true meaning of this day. Memorial Day is a day the Americans commemorate the lives of U.S. soldiers who have passed in
military service.
With that being said this is a perfect time to recognize the fallen soldiers within your area and to even help a good cause. Below are 5 ways you can honor the military on Memorial Day!
- Sponsor a float in your local Memorial Day parade.
Get involved with your community and join in on the parade. This is a wonderful time to help get your name out there while providing a great cause. Have your staff walk up and down the parade and hand out coupons for a Lunch Special after the parade. - Offer special discounts or free items to military members or veterans.
On this day you should make sure you offer people with valid military ID something a little extra. Show them that you appreciate all their hard work and selflessness.
- Host a special volunteer event to help donate to the military.
There are many causes that you can gear this campaign around. Everyone loves to feel like they have helped in some fashion. Have you and your staff do a Pie Eating Contest and the winner will get a prize and all proceeds will go to a charity. There are plenty of charities and you can click here to view them all! - Send out a Memorial Day email with a special offer included. It's hard to get the word out especially with limited time and energy. We will create a beautiful email campaign or fliers for you to send or hand out in store. We can promote any menu specials, hours of operation, coupons, etc! Just give us a call if you need more ideas.
- Create a special 'Hero's Menu' and name each item after someone in your town.
Most of us have a relative that was near and dear to us who died for our freedom. Having a menu with family members of the locals as item names is a great opportunity to develop a more personal touch in your customer relationships. Maybe even donate 10% of the proceeds from this menu to a cause.
Written By: Colleen Leonardo